Profession metallurgical technician

Metallurgical technicians provide technical support in researching and performing experiments on minerals, metals, alloys, oil and gas. They also assist in improving the methods of extraction.

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Personality Type


  • Alloys of precious metals

    Types of material that consist of two or more metals or non-metals.

  • Ferrous metal processing

    Various processing methods on iron and iron-containing alloys such as steel, stainless steel and pig iron.

  • Non-ferrous metal processing

    Various processing methods on non-ferrous metals and alloys such as copper, zinc and aluminium.

  • Precious metal processing

    Various processing methods on precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum.

  • Precious metals

    Types of rare metal that occur naturally and have a high economic value.

  • Corrosion types

    The various types of oxidation reactions with the environment, such as rusting, copper pitting, stress cracking, and others.

  • Metal drawing processes

    The various types of drawing processes in metal fabrication, such as wire drawing, bar drawing, tube drawing, and others.

  • Types of metal

    Qualities, specifications, applications and reactions to different fabricating processes of various types of metal, such as steel, aluminium, brass, copper and others.


  • Perform sample testing

    Examine and perform tests on prepared samples; avoid any possibility of accidental or deliberate contamination during the testing phase. Operate sampling equipment in line with design parameters.

  • Interpret extraction data

    Process and interpret extraction data and send feedback to the development teams; apply learnings to concrete operational activities.

  • Maintain laboratory equipment

    Clean laboratory glassware and other equipment after use and inspect it for damage or corrosion in order to ensure its proper functioning.

  • Record test data

    Record data which has been identified specifically during preceding tests in order to verify that outputs of the test produce specific results or to review the reaction of the subject under exceptional or unusual input.

  • Conduct field work

    Conduct field work or research which is the collection of information outside of a laboratory or workplace setting. Visit places in order to collect specific information about the field.

  • Analyse test data

    Interpret and analyse data collected during testing in order to formulate conclusions, new insights or solutions.

  • Analyse experimental laboratory data

    Analyse experimental data and interpret results to write reports and summaries of findings

  • Apply safety procedures in laboratory

    Make sure that laboratory equipment is used in a safe manner and the handling of samples and specimens is correct. Work to ensure the validity of results obtained in research.

  • Test raw minerals

    Take samples of mineral materials for testing purposes. Execute various chemical and physical tests on the materials.

Optional knowledge and skills

chemical technologies in metal manufacture conduct metallurgical structural analysis advise on construction materials innovation processes determine characteristics of mineral deposits chemical processes ensure compliance with environmental legislation mine safety legislation separate metals from ores report analysis results develop alternative mining methods manipulate metal materials science metal and metal ore products excavation techniques test construction material samples

Source: Sisyphus ODB