Profession mineral crushing operator

Mineral crushing operators operate and monitor crushers and other machines to crush materials and minerals. They move stones to the crushers, fill the machines with minerals, monitor the crushing process and ensure that the end products meet requirements.

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Personality Type


  • Types of stone for working

    Different types of stone that stonemasons and other stone workers use to process into building materials. The mechanical properties of stone, such as their weight, tensile strength, durability. Economical properties such as cost, transport and sourcing.

  • Quality standards

    The national and international requirements, specifications and guidelines to ensure that products, services and processes are of good quality and fit for purpose.


  • Operate crusher

    Operate machines designed to crush rocks, ores, large coal lumps, and other materials. Work with a jaw crusher, which vibrates to force rocks through a vertical V-shaped rack in order to crush them, or a cone crusher which spins a helical element.

  • Set up machine controls

    Set up or adjust machine controls to regulate conditions such as material flow, temperature, or pressure.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Maneuver stone blocks

    Maneuver the blocks of stone, placing them in the correct position in the machine bed using electric hoist, wooden blocks and wedges.

  • Troubleshoot

    Identify operating problems, decide what to do about it and report accordingly.

  • Inspect quality of products

    Use various techniques to ensure the product quality is respecting the quality standards and specifications. Oversee defects, packaging and sendbacks of products to different production departments.

  • Measure materials

    Measure the raw materials prior to their loading in the mixer or in machines, ensuring they conform with the specifications.

  • Supply machine

    Ensure the machine is fed the necessary and adequate materials and control the placement or automatic feed and retrieval of work pieces in the machines or machine tools on the production line.

Optional knowledge and skills

consult technical resources keep records of work progress weigh materials operate bulldozer clean waste materials from machines report defective manufacturing materials collect samples monitor conveyor belt brush the equipment monitor machine operations maintain equipment mechanics operate raw mineral size reduction equipment perform test run record production data

Source: Sisyphus ODB