Profession mountain guide

Mountain guides assist visitors, interpret natural heritage and provide information and guidance to tourists on mountain expeditions. They support visitors with activities such as hiking, climbing and skiing in addition to ensuring their safety through monitoring both weather and health conditions.

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Personality Type


  • Local geography

    The range of physical and geographical properties and descriptions of a local area, by street names and not only.

  • Geographical areas relevant to tourism

    The field of tourism geography in Europe as well as the rest of the world in order to point out relevant tourism areas and attractions.

  • Sightseeing information

    The sightseeing information of a particular touristic site.


  • Inform visitors at tour sites

    Distribute booklets, show audio-visual presentations, give guidance and relevant comments at tour site locations. Explain the history and functionality of tour highlights and respond to questions.

  • Ensure health and safety of visitors

    Take the necessary precautions to ensure the physical safety of an audience or people visiting an activity. Prepare actions in case of emergency. Administer first aid and direct emergency evacuations.

  • Provide tourism related information

    Give customers relevant information about historical and cultural locations and events while conveying this information in an entertaining and informative manner.

  • Animate in the outdoors

    Independently animate groups in the outdoors, adapting your practice to keep the group animated and motivated.

  • Handle tour contract details

    Administer tour contract details in order to make sure that tourists receive all services included in the tour package.

  • Register visitors

    Register visitors after greeting them. Distribute any required identification badges or safety devices.

  • Assemble visitor supplies

    Collect and check all required supplies and equipment before departure.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Read maps

    Read maps effectively.

  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Follow ethical code of conduct in tourism

    Carry out touristic services according to accepted principles of right and wrong. This includes fairness, transparency and impartiality.

  • Select visitor routes

    Examine and select points of interest, travel routes and sites to be visited.

  • Handle personal identifiable information

    Administer sensitive personal information on customers securely and discreetly

  • Collect visitor fees

    Collect fees from visitors and group members.

  • Welcome tour groups

    Greet newly arrived groups of tourists at their starting point to announce details of upcoming events and travel arrangements.

  • Escort visitors to places of interest

    Bring tourists to places of interest such as museums, exhibitions, theme parks or art galleries.

  • Manage tourist groups

    Monitor and guide tourists ensuring positive group dynamics and address areas of conflict and concern where they occur.

Optional knowledge and skills

work with different target groups adapt to different weather conditions maintain incident reporting records measure customer feedback analyse weather forecast conduct educational activities camping gear manage outdoor resources implement risk management for outdoors animal species tourism market distribute local information materials local area tourism industry apply foreign languages in tourism advise on nature conservation perform clerical duties monitor use of outdoor equipment adjust sporting equipment assist clients with special needs instruct in sport handle customer complaints

Source: Sisyphus ODB