Profession pipeline route manager

Pipeline route managers oversee the day-to-day operational aspects of transporting goods via pipeline infrastructures. They have an overview of the network and plan the different routes to transport goods from one site to another. They strive for the most efficient and less costly route. They troubleshoot arising issues in networks and sites, ensure implementation of regulations, and follow up the achievement of transport targets.

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Personality Type


  • Types of pipelines

    Know various types of pipelines and their different usages. Differentiate between pipelines used to transport goods over short and long distances, and understand their respective feeding systems.

  • Pipeline transport regulations;

    Know about pipeline transport regulations and their application in pipeline fields. Apply pipeline transport regulations in the construction of new sites.

  • Security requirements of goods transported via pipelines

    Know the security requirements and safety measures necessary to avoid accidents during the transportation of goods via pipelines. Ensure measures for the transport of oil and petroleum products, olefin, ammonia, CO2, hydrogen, and others.


  • Ensure regulatory compliance in pipeline infrastructures

    Ensure that the regulations for pipeline operations are met. Ensure pipeline infrastructure compliance with legal mandates, and compliance with regulations governing the transportation of goods via the pipelines.

  • Analyse various types of water

    Design boreholes; sample and analyse surface water and groundwater.

  • Apply company policies

    Apply the principles and rules that govern the activities and processes of an organisation.

  • Apply health and safety standards

    Adhere to standards of hygiene and safety established by respective authorities.

  • Test pipeline infrastructure operations

    Perform tests on pipelines, such checking whether there is continuous flow of materials through them, examining for leakages, and assessing the suitability of the location of the pipeline is.

  • Adhere to OHSAS 18001

    Know and follow the standards of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Strive to implement practices that reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace.

  • Mitigate environmental impact of pipeline projects

    Strive to mitigate the potential impact that pipelines and the goods transported in them can have on the environment. Invest time and resources into consideration of the environmental effects of the pipeline, the actions that could be taken to protect the environment, and the potential increase in the costs of the project.

  • Monitor work site

    Regularly ensure that working conditions on site meet health and safety requirements; ensure that the proposed work will not pose a threat to the physical integrity of others.

  • Analyse route possibilities in pipeline projects

    Analyse sufficient route possibilities for developing pipeline projects. Ensure that crucial elements such as environment, the features of a location, purpose, and other elements are considered. Analyse the best route possibilities while attempting to maintain a balance between budget and quality.

  • Set management priorities in pipeline networks

    Set the priorities for the performance of activities in pipeline networks. Analyse the different issues within the infrastructure, and tackle issues that may significantly affect operations and those that may be costly if left unaddressed.

  • Advise on site selection

    Consult geological maps and data and analyse aerial photographs; provide advice on site selection and archaeological issues.

  • Survey sites for pipeline installation

    Perform surveys of different kinds of sites, such as inland or maritime site, for the planning and construction of pipeline infrastructure.

  • Develop contingency plans for emergencies

    Compose procedures outlining specific actions to be taken in the event of an emergency, taking into account all the risks and dangers that could be involved, ensuring that the plans comply with safety legislation and represent the safest course of action.

  • Perform follow-up on pipeline route services

    Perform follow-up activities related to the plan, the distribution schedule, and the service yielded by the pipeline infrastructure. Ensure that pipeline route assignments are accomplished and meet customer agreements.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

Optional knowledge and skills

engineering principles oversee wetlands in project development geographic information systems inspect pipelines combine multiple fields of knowledge consider the impact of material characteristics on pipeline flows assist with emergencies identify gis issues rigging terminology

Source: Sisyphus ODB