Profession plodder operator

Plodder operators control the milled soap compression machine that produces specific shapes and sizes of soap bars, ensuring the products conform to specifications and quality requirements.

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Personality Type


  • Select soap shaping plate

    Select the corresponding plate and insert it into the plodder machine. The selection of the plate must be done according to specifications so that the soap bars will have the correct shape and size.

  • Optimise production processes parameters

    Optimise and maintain the parameters of the production process such as flow, temperature or pressure.

  • Tend plodder machines

    Tend the plodder machine by setting it up and operating it in order to transform milled soap into soap bars.

  • Use a computer

    Utilise computer equipment or digital devices to facilitate quality control, data management, and communication. Follow instructions given by a computer programme, create computer files or documents.

  • Change soap filter

    Change the soap filter from the plodder machine by unbolting the filter cap, inspecting it and replacing it according to specifications.

  • Monitor valves

    Monitor and accordingly adjust the valves in order to allow a specific amount of liquids (such as ammonia sulfuric acid or viscous soap) or steam into the mixer or machine.

  • Inspect quality of products

    Use various techniques to ensure the product quality is respecting the quality standards and specifications. Oversee defects, packaging and sendbacks of products to different production departments.

Optional knowledge and skills

electrical instrumentation engineering transfer chemicals chemical processes basic chemicals monitor chemical process condition monitor environmental parameters handle bulk transfer of raw material manage waste

Source: Sisyphus ODB