Profession rail logistics coordinator

Rail logistics coordinator manage shipments by rail including or excluding other transport modes. They coordinate the timely allocation of transport means and equipment and ensure a timely delivery. They design and maintain efficient supply chains for clients and shippers.

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Personality Type


  • Health and safety measures in transportation

    The body of rules, procedures and regulations related to health and safety measures intended to prevent accidents or incidents in transportation.

  • Markets for modes of transport

    Know about different modes of transport and their market opportunities in Europe.

  • Multimodal transport logistics

    Understand logistics and multimodal transport as the planning and control of the movement of goods or people, and all related logistical supporting activities.


  • Prepare shipments in time

    Prepare product for shipment as scheduled.

  • Operate railway communication systems

    Operate railway communication systems; make announcements over the public address system or communicate with central train administration.

  • Comply with railway safety standards

    Ensure compliance with minimum safety standards for freight cars operated by railway companies subject to European legislation.

  • Enforce railway safety regulations

    Promote and enforce safety procedures and EU regulations to ensure that railway safety is generally maintained and continuously improved, taking into consideration the development of European legislation.

  • Prepare freight shipment reports

    Compose and submit freight shipment reports. Include detailed information on freight conditions and freight handling; report problems if necessary.

  • Work in a logistics team

    Ability to work confidently within a logistics team, with each member of the team fulfilling a role designed to increase the efficiency of the whole.

  • Track shipping sites

    Track the different shipping sites where packages arrive in order to maintain an efficient distribution system and on-time tracking systems for customers.

  • Apply transportation management concepts

    Apply transport industry management concepts in order to improve transportation processes, reduce waste, increase efficiency, and improve schedule preparation.

  • Handle shipment risks

    Handle risky or dangerous cargo; ensure that that every shipment operation is executed in an appropriate manner; calculate cargo weight; ensure that cranes are correctly positioned; see that containers fit into shipment.

  • Track shipments

    Track and trace all shipment movements on a daily basis by utilising information from tracking systems and proactively notifying customers about the location of their shipments.

  • Resolve shipment issues

    Provide solutions and settlements for all issues related to product shipment.

  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Negotiate logistics services

    Reach an agreement on the planning and control of the movement of goods, and all related logistical supporting activities without losing sight of one's own or others' goals.

  • Keep track of shipment payments

    Monitor the progress of payments made for shipping products.

  • Analyse transportation costs

    Identify and analyse transportation costs, service levels and availability of equipment; make recommendations and take preventive/corrective measures.

  • Ensure compliance with shipment regulations

    Ensure compliance with shipment laws, regulations and policies; keep shipments secure and damage free; ensure the safety of staff members handling the cargo.

  • Handle shipment documentation

    Check bills, purchase orders and other documentation in order to verify the correct shipment of goods.

Optional knowledge and skills

statistics comprehend financial business terminology build business relationships physical characteristics of railways maintain financial records

Source: Sisyphus ODB