Profession Researcher agriculture, nature, animals, environment sciences

Researchers in agriculture, nature, animals, environment sciences prepare and deliver lectures and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university or other higher educational institution. They conduct research, and prepare scholarly papers and books.

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Personality Type

Related professions research

  • Demographer
  • Market researcher
  • Mathematician
  • Researcher computer sciences and mathematics
  • Researcher economics, business and management sciences
  • Researcher engineering, transport and logistic sciences
  • Researcher health sciences
  • Researcher humanities
  • Researcher journalism, media and communication
  • Researcher law and public administration
  • Researcher leisure, hospitality and gastronomy
  • Researcher natural and life sciences
  • Researcher psychology, pedagogic subjects
  • Researcher social work
  • Researcher, all other subjects
  • Statistical technician
  • Statistician
  • University researcher

Source: Sisyphus ODB