Profession ride technician

Ride technicians work to maintain and repair amusement park attractions. They need a strong technical knowledge and have specialised knowledge of the rides they are assigned to maintain. Ride technicians usually keep records of the maintenance and repairs performed as well as uptime and downtime for each serviced attraction. Attention to safety is especially important in the maintenance and repair of amusement park rides.

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Personality Type


  • Mechanics

    Theoretical and practical applications of the science studying the action of displacements and forces on physical bodies to the development of machinery and mechanical devices.

  • Electronics

    The functioning of electronic circuit boards, processors, chips, and computer hardware and software, including programming and applications. Apply this knowledge to ensure electronic equipment runs smoothly.

  • Amusement park emergency procedures

    Stay informed about shutdown and emergency evacuation procedures for amusement parks.

  • Mechanical components of vehicles

    Know the mechanical components used in vehicles and identify and resolve potential malfunctions.


  • Maintain electronic systems

    Calibrate and maintain electronic systems; execute preventive equipment maintenance tasks.

  • Check ride safety restraints

    Control the ride safety restraints to see if everything works in a normal, safe manner.

  • Ensure health and safety of staff

    Promote and maintain a culture of health, safety and security among the staff by maintaining policies and procedures for the protection of vulnerable participants and when necessary, dealing with suspicions of possible abuse.

  • Maintain ride parts inventory

    Keep an exhaustive inventory of mechanic and electronic ride parts, to ensure a safe and continuous operation.

  • Ensure health and safety of visitors

    Take the necessary precautions to ensure the physical safety of an audience or people visiting an activity. Prepare actions in case of emergency. Administer first aid and direct emergency evacuations.

  • Maintain amusement park equipment

    Maintain exhaustive inventories of equipment in venues and amusement parks.

  • Assemble electronic units

    Assemble and maintain electronic components and electronic circuits.

  • Monitor amusement park safety

    Follow up activities to ensure permanent safety and decent behaviour of park visitors; remove unruly visitors if needed.

  • Maintain amusement park attractions

    Maintain, control and repair rides and attractions, both mechanically and electronically.

  • Check ride communications

    Check and make sure that all the communication functions of your assigned ride operate properly.

Optional knowledge and skills

operate amusement rides advise on safety improvements clean ride units drive vehicles

Source: Sisyphus ODB