Profession sauce production operator

Sauce production operators process, produce and manufacture sauces made from fruits, vegetables, oils and vinegars. They operate machinery and equipment for activities such as mixing, pasteurising and packaging sauces.

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Personality Type


  • Food safety principles

    Scientific background of food safety which includes preparation, handling, and storage of food to minimise the risk of foodborne illness and other health hazards.


  • Follow hygienic procedures during food processing

    Ensure a clean working space according to hygienic standards in the food processing industry.

  • Apply HACCP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

  • Apply GMP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  • Pump products

    Operate pumping machines according to specific procedures and depending on the kind of product. Ensure correct quantities and adequate feeding for the process.

  • Follow production schedule

    Follow production schedule taking into account all requirements, times and needs. This schedule outlines what individual commodities must be produced in each time period and encapsulates various concerns like production, staffing, inventory, etc. It is usually linked to manufacturing where the plan indicates when and how much of each product will be demanded. Utilise all the information in the actual implementation of the plan.

  • Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages

    Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.

Optional knowledge and skills

tend packaging machines check bottles for packaging apply different roasting methods execute chilling processes to food products tend canning machine processes of foods and beverages manufacturing tend spice mixing machine use fruit and vegetables processing machinery condiment manufacturing processes tend mixing oil machine prepare fruits and vegetables for pre-processing operate a heat treatment process clean food and beverage machinery food preservation blanching machine process collect samples for analysis apply different dehydration processes of fruits and vegetables dispose food waste operate equipment for food homogenisation maintain cutting equipment process fruits and vegetables administer ingredients in food production blend food ingredients types of condiments food storage manage fruit juice extraction processes care for food aesthetic operate sieves for spices neutralise sugar liquors check quality of products on the production line operate weighing machine tend blanching machines

Source: Sisyphus ODB