Profession scanning operator

Scanning operators tend scanners. They feed print materials into the machine and set controls on the machine or on a controlling computer to obtain the highest resolution scan.

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Personality Type


  • Imaging techniques

    The principles, advantages, and disadvantages of various diagnostic and interventional imaging methods.

  • Reprography

    The process of reproducing, reprinting, or copying graphic material especially by mechanical or electronic means such as photography or xerography.

  • Printing techniques

    The techniques and processes to reproduce text and images using a master form or template such as letterpress printing, gravure, and laser printing.


  • Prepare documents for scanning

    Prepare documents for scanning by determining logical breaks and unitization of hard copy documents and assembling and reassembling these afterwards.

  • Produce scanned images

    Produce scanned images that satisfy different categories and are free of potential defects.

  • Calibrate electronic instruments

    Correct and adjust the reliability of an electronic instrument by measuring output and comparing results with the data of a reference device or a set of standardised results. This is done in regular intervals which are set by the manufacturer and using calibration devices.

  • Operate scanner

    Set up and operate scanner equipment and its hard- and software.

  • Handle scanning material safely

    Load and handle the material to be scanned safely and make sure that the scanning equipment is clean.

  • Follow safety precautions in printing

    Apply safety and health principles, policies and institutional regulations of working in printing production. Protect oneself and others against such hazards as chemicals used in printing, invasive allergens, heat, and disease causing agents.

  • Check for flaws in scanned material

    Check for colour consistency and possible flaws in the scanned material.

  • Create digital files

    Create digital files in the computer system after quality checking printing or scanned documents for malfunctions.

  • Write calibration report

    Report on the instrument calibration measurements and results. A calibration report includes the objectives and approach of the test, descriptions of tested instruments or products, test procedures, and test results.

  • Create digital images

    Create and process two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital images depicting animated objects or illustrating a process, using computer animation or modelling programs.

  • Set scanner controls

    Use a mouse, keyboard or other controls to set up the scanner precisely.

Optional knowledge and skills

process printing input perforate printed media digitise documents digital printing lay out digital written content maintain system logs maintenance of printing machines copyright legislation follow a brief types of paper printing on large scale machines troubleshoot cut page edges use microsoft office perform image editing inspect printing output meet deadlines

Source: Sisyphus ODB