Profession script supervisor

Script supervisors are responsible for the continuity of the movie or television program. They watch every shot to make sure that it's according to the script. Script supervisors ensure that during editing the story makes visual and verbal sense and does not contain any continuity errors.

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Personality Type


  • Film production process

    The various development stages of making a film, such as scriptwriting, financing, shooting, editing, and distribution.


  • Consult with production director

    Consult with the director, producer and clients throughout the production and post-production process.

  • Study relationships between characters

    Study characters in scripts and their relationships to each other.

  • Edit scripts

    Rewrite scripts. Change dialogue. Mark scripts with relevant information for post-production.

  • Work with motion picture editing team

    Work together with the motion picture editing team during post-production. Make sure the finished product is according to specifications and creative vision.

  • Work with pre-production team

    Consult with the pre-production team about expectations, requirements, budget, etc.

  • Prepare continuity reports

    Write detailed continuity notes and make photographs or sketches of each actor and camera position for each shot. Report all shot timings and camera movements, whether the scene is shot during the day or at night, any scene changes and their implications, all camera details including lenses and focal distances, and any inconsistencies.

  • Ensure visual quality of the set

    Inspect and amend the scenery and set-dressing to make sure the visual quality is optimal with in constraints of time, budget and manpower.

  • Observe shots

    Observe every movie shot closely during shooting and make notes.

  • Work with an artistic team

    Work closely with directors, fellow actors and playwrights to find the ideal interpretation to a role.

  • Check continuity requirements

    Make sure every scene and shot make verbal and visual sense. Make sure everything is according to the script.

  • Work with the director of photography

    Work with the director of photography on the artistic and creative vision that needs to be followed during production of a movie or theatre production.

  • Analyse a script

    Break down a script by analysing the dramaturgy, form, themes and structure of a script. Conduct relevant research if necessary.

Optional knowledge and skills

watch scenes select camera apertures operate a camera adapt a script lead cast and crew design lighting set up cameras supervise sound production perform video editing supervise camera crew dress actors edit recorded sound edit digital moving images

Source: Sisyphus ODB