Profession soap maker

Soap makers operate equipments and mixers that produce soap, making sure the end product is produced according to specified formula.

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Personality Type


  • Alkylation

    Understand the process of moving an alkyl group from one molecule to another. This process is used in oil refining to alkylate isobutanes, producing premium blending agents for fuel.


  • Fill kettle

    Fill the kettle with the specified amounts of ingredients.

  • Monitor valves

    Monitor and accordingly adjust the valves in order to allow a specific amount of liquids (such as ammonia sulfuric acid or viscous soap) or steam into the mixer or machine.

  • Tend agitation machine

    Tend agitation machine ensuring that there is a uniform agitation of the batch.

  • Transfer chemicals

    Transfer the chemical mixture from the mixing tank to the storage tank by turning on the valves.

  • Observe mixture characteristics

    Observe the characteristics such as colour, homogeneity or viscosity of the boiling mixture in the tank.

  • Optimise production processes parameters

    Optimise and maintain the parameters of the production process such as flow, temperature or pressure.

  • Test alkalinity

    Test the alkalinity of the caustic soda, adding soda or water as required.

Optional knowledge and skills

maintain chemical mixers prepare chemical samples manage waste use personal protection equipment implement soap formula match product moulds use moulding techniques perfume and cosmetic products use chemical analysis equipment collect industrial waste

Source: Sisyphus ODB