Profession sorter labourer

Sorter labourers sort recyclable materials and waste from a recycling stream, and ensure no unsuitable materials wind up among the recyclable materials. They inspect the materials and perform cleaning duties, and work in compliance with waste regulations.

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Personality Type


  • Waste and scrap products

    The offered waste and scrap products, their functionalities, properties and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Health, safety and hygiene legislation

    The set of health, safety and hygiene standards and items of legislation applicable in a specific sector.

  • Waste management

    The methods, materials and regulations used to collect, transport, treat and dispose of waste. This includes recycling and monitoring of waste disposal.


  • Dispose waste

    Dispose waste in accordance with legislation, thereby respecting environmental and company responsibilities.

  • Sort waste

    Manually or automatically sort waste by separating it into its different elements.

  • Operate recycling processing equipment

    Operate recycling processing equipment such as granulators, crushers and balers; process and sort materials to be recycled.

  • Handle chemical cleaning agents

    Ensure proper handling, storage and disposal of cleaning chemicals in accordance with regulations.

  • Assess waste type

    Identify waste materials during collection and sorting operations which can either be recycled, disposed of, or otherwise treated, in order to assess the way in which they need to be treated and sorted.

  • Communicate with waste collectors

    Communicate with workers who collect waste from various places and transport it to the waste treatment facilities in order to ensure optimal cooperation and efficient operation of waste treatment and disposal procedures.

  • Store sorted waste

    Store waste materials, products, and appliances which have been sorted into separate categories for recycling or disposal into the appropriate containers and storage equipment or facilities.

Optional knowledge and skills

electronics principles maintain recycling records pollution prevention report pollution incidents assess contamination avoid contamination use personal protection equipment operate forklift hazardous waste storage dispose of non-hazardous waste dispose of hazardous waste ensure compliance with waste legislative regulations drain hazardous liquids maintain sorting equipment electricity remove contaminants

Source: Sisyphus ODB