Profession stage manager

Stage managers coordinate and supervise the preparation and execution of the show to ensure the scenic image and the actions on stage comply with the artistic vision of the director and the artistic team. Identify needs, monitor the technical and artistic processes during rehearsals and performances of live shows and events, according to the artistic project, the characteristics of the stage and technical, economic, human and security terms.  

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Personality Type


  • React to emergency situations in a live performance environment

    Assess and react to an emergency (fire, threat, accident or another calamity), alerting emergency services and taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to the established procedures.

  • Interact with actions on stage

    Take cues from actions on the stage and interact with them. Decide on the exact timing and procedure in a live environment, in order to produce a fluid and consistent performance.

  • Coordinate the running of a performance

    Coordinate all actions and activities during a performance in order to ensure a coherent and artistically sound result, faithful to the artistic project.

  • Analyse a script

    Break down a script by analysing the dramaturgy, form, themes and structure of a script. Conduct relevant research if necessary.

  • Promote health and safety

    Promote the importance of a safe working environment. Coach and support staff to participate actively in the continuous development of a safe working environment.

  • Understand artistic concepts

    Interpret an artist's explanation or demonstration of their artistic concepts, inceptions and processes and strive to share their vision.

  • Analyse score

    Analysing the score, form, themes and structure of a piece of music.

  • Follow safety procedures when working at heights

    Take necessary precautions and follow a set of measures that assess, prevent and tackle risks when working at a high distance from the ground. Prevent endangering people working under these structures and avoid falls from ladders, mobile scaffolding, fixed working bridges, single person lifts etc. since they may cause fatalities or major injuries.

  • Use communication equipment

    Set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.

  • Write risk assessment on performing arts production

    Assess risks, propose improvements and describe measures to be taken on a production level in performing arts.

  • Safeguard artistic quality of performance

    Observe the show, anticipate and react to possible technical problems, ensuring optimal artistic quality.

  • Support a designer in the developing process

    Support designers in the course of the developing process.

  • Use technical documentation

    Understand and use technical documentation in the overall technical process.

  • Adapt artistic plan to location

    Adjust plans to other locations with regards to the artistic concept.

  • Work safely with mobile electrical systems under supervision

    Take the necessary precautions while providing temporary power distribution for performance and art facility purposes under supervision.

  • Organise stage

    Making sure the scene elements like props and furniture are placed according to specifications, procuring the costumes and wigs and making sure everybody is ready in the right time and place.

  • Analyse the artistic concept based on stage actions

    Analyse the artistic concept, form and structure of a live performance based on observation during rehearsals or improvisation. Create a structured base for the design process of a specific production.

  • Work with respect for own safety

    Apply the safety rules according to training and instruction and based on a solid understanding of the prevention measures and risks to your own personal health and safety.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Interpret artistic intentions

    Interpret the artistic intentions of the author.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Translate artistic concepts to technical designs

    Cooperate with the artistic team in order to facilitate the transition from the creative vision and its artistic concepts to a technical design.

  • Negotiate health and safety issues with third parties

    Consult, negotiate and agree on potential risks, measures and safety procedures with third parties.

  • Prevent fire in a performance environment

    Take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. Make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary. Make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.

  • Cue a performance

    Plan the technical actions and interventions during an artistic performance. Determine when actors go on and off stage. Make sure these cues are followed to ensure a smooth running of the performance.

  • Adapt to artists' creative demands

    Work with artists, striving to understand the creative vision and adapting to it. Make full use of your talents and skills to reach the best possible result.

  • Analyse the scenography

    Analyse the selection and distribution of material elements on a stage.

Optional knowledge and skills

document safety actions prepare stage weapons ensure health and safety of visitors prompt performers work safely with stage weapons plan weapon use on stage provide first aid perform first fire intervention operate pyrotechnical control keep up with trends store stage weapons manage prompt book obtain stage weapon permits set up pyrotechnical equipment obtain pyrotechnic permits store pyrotechnical materials plan pyrotechnical effects ensure safety of mobile electrical systems work safely with chemicals read musical score follow time cues organise rehearsals work safely with pyrotechnical materials in a performance environment

Source: Sisyphus ODB