Profession stand-in
Stand-ins replace actors before the filming starts. They perform the actions of the actors during the lighting and audiovisual setup, so everything is in the right place during the actual shooting with the actors.
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Personality Type
- Adapt to type of media
Adapt to different types of media such as television, movies, commercials, and others. Adapt work to type of media, scale of production, budget, genres within type of media, and others.
- Memorise lines
Memorise your role in a performance or broadcast, whether it is text, movement, or music.
- Analyse a script
Break down a script by analysing the dramaturgy, form, themes and structure of a script. Conduct relevant research if necessary.
- Follow work schedule
Manage the sequence of activities in order to deliver completed work on agreed deadlines by following a work schedule.
- Study media sources
Study various media sources such as broadcasts, print media, and online media in order to gather inspiration for the development of creative concepts.
- Adapt to different roles
Adapt to different roles in a play, regarding the styles, ways of acting and aesthetics.
- Follow directions of the artistic director
Follow the instructions of the director while understanding his creative vision.
- Study roles from scripts
Study and rehearse roles from scripts; interpret, learn and memorise lines, stunts, and cues as directed.
- Work with the lighting crew
Work with the crew responsible for the lighting setup and operation to get directions from them on where to stand for an aesthetic result.
- Work with an artistic team
Work closely with directors, fellow actors and playwrights to find the ideal interpretation to a role.
- Work with the camera crew
Work with the crew responsible for the camera operation and movement to get directions from them on where to stand for an aesthetic result.
- Work with the director of photography
Work with the director of photography on the artistic and creative vision that needs to be followed during production of a movie or theatre production.
Optional knowledge and skills
ensure cooperation among production, costume department and make-up department acting techniques harmonise body movements promote yourself lighting techniques rehearse role rehearse with fellow actors dance perform scripted dialogue sing photography practise singing practice dance moves film production process express yourself physicallySource: Sisyphus ODB