Profession sterile services technician

Sterile services technicians ensure decontamination of medical devices in compliance with strict hygienic procedures. They dismantle and re-assemble sophisticated medical equipment through sterilising, cleaning, and repackaging it for further usage, under supervision, following the orders of the doctor of medicine or other qualified medical personnel.

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Personality Type


  • Microscopic techniques

    The techniques, functions and limitations of microscopy to visualise objects that cannot be seen with the normal eye.

  • Hygiene in a health care setting

    The procedures related to maintaining a hygienic environment within a health care setting such as hospitals and clinics. It can range from hand washing to cleaning and disinfection of medical equipment used and infection control methods.

  • Infection control

    The routes of transmission and methods of preventing spread of common and important infecting organisms together with the methods available for sterilisation and disinfection of pathogenic organisms in the prevention of infection.

  • Professional documentation in health care

    The written standards applied in the health care professional environments for documentation purposes of one`s activity.

  • Surgical asepsis

    The way to keep equipment and surfaces sterile to prevent infections during medical care.

  • Microbiology-bacteriology

    Microbiology-Bacteriology is a medical specialty mentioned in the EU Directive 2005/36/EC.

  • Sterilization techniques

    The methods and techniques used to destroy or remove microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria that can contaminate medical instruments or any type of material in a health care setting.


  • Operate microscope

    Operate a microscope, an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye to see.

  • Manage infection control in the facility

    Implement a set of measures to prevent and control infections, formulating and establishing health and safety procedures and policies.

  • Use technical equipment for sterilisation

    Work with technical equipment and machinery such as steam sterilisers to clean and disinfect equipment and devices.

  • Communicate effectively in healthcare

    Communicate effectively with patients, families and other caregivers, health care professionals, and community partners.

  • Adhere to organisational guidelines

    Adhere to organisational or department specific standards and guidelines. Understand the motives of the organisation and the common agreements and act accordingly.

  • Participate in medical inventory control

    Participate in inventory control and safe storage of materials and re-order supplies.

  • Follow written instructions

    Follow written directions in order to perform a task or carry out a step-by-step procedure.

  • Follow clinical guidelines

    Follow agreed protocols and guidelines in support of healthcare practice which are provided by healthcare institutions, professional associations, or authorities and also scientific organisations.

  • Comply with legislation related to health care

    Comply with the regional and national legislation that is relevant to one`s work and apply it in practice.

  • Sterilise medical equipment

    Disinfect and clean all medical devices and equipment gathered from operating rooms, wards and other departments of a hospital or clinic and check for bacteria after disinfection using a microscope.

  • Repackage medical equipment after sterilisation

    Re-assemble and package the newly sterilized medical equipment and devices, sealing and labelling them properly for further use.

  • Work in multidisciplinary health teams

    Participate in the delivery of multidisciplinary health care, and understand the rules and competences of other healthcare related professions.

  • Comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice

    Apply quality standards related to risk management, safety procedures, patients feedback, screening and medical devices in daily practice, as they are recognized by the national professional associations and authorities.

  • Maintain personal hygiene standards

    Preserve impeccable personal hygiene standards and have a tidy appearance.

Optional knowledge and skills

health care system medical devices materials e-procurement medical informatics dispose medical waste select hazard control follow control of substances hazardous to health procedures communicate in foreign languages with health service providers handle chemical cleaning agents

Source: Sisyphus ODB