Profession stevedore superintendent

Stevedore superintendents supervise and monitor the freight handling and longshore labor in a dockyard to maximise productivity. They manage the loading and unloading of cargo and monitor the safety of the work area. Stevedore superintendents may also investigate incidents and prepare accident reports.

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Personality Type


  • International regulations for cargo handling

    The body of conventions, guidelines and rules which dictate the activity of loading and unloading cargo in international ports.

  • Cargo industry

    Thoroughly understand the cargo industry and its stakeholders, the structure of the industry and common challenges, and the operations of freight forwarders, airline cargo units, and others.

  • National regulations on handling cargo

    The national regulations governing the loading and unloading of cargo in ports within that country.

  • Port regulation

    Know port standards and legal regulations, based primarily on municipal laws, port laws or the Maritime Code.

  • Health and safety in the workplace

    The body of rules, procdeures and regulations related to safety, health and welfare of people in their workplace. 

  • Freight transport methods

    Understand different modalities of transport such as air, sea, or intermodal freight transport. Specialise in one of the modalities and possess a deeper knowledge of the details and procedures of that modality.

  • Dock operations

    Know operations that take place in docks, primarily those concerned with the incoming and outgoing of cargo shipments. Know logistics activities relating to cranes, containers, and shipments.


  • Supervise movement of crew

    Oversee embarkation and disembarkation of crew members; ensure that safety regulations are followed according to specifications.

  • Ensure compliance with shipment regulations

    Ensure compliance with shipment laws, regulations and policies; keep shipments secure and damage free; ensure the safety of staff members handling the cargo.

  • Manage port operations improvement procedures

    Manage all improvement procedures in port operations, including their development and implementation. Understand port activities, operations, and the way these are carried out, to manage improvement.

  • Write inspection reports

    Write the results and conclusions of the inspection in a clear and intelligible way. Log the inspection's processes such as contact, outcome, and steps taken.

  • Prepare freight shipment reports

    Compose and submit freight shipment reports. Include detailed information on freight conditions and freight handling; report problems if necessary.

  • Adapt to changing situations

    Change approach to situations based on unexpected and sudden changes in people's needs and mood or in trends; shift strategies, improvise and naturally adapt to those circumstances.

  • Observe freight shipment loaders

    Observe process of freight loading; ensure that crew complies with all applicable regulations and procedures; stow heavy and potentially dangerous cargo.

  • Manage cargo handling

    Manage safely the mechanical elements in the loading and unloading of cargo and stores. Organize stowing and unstowing of products to guarantee the stability of the vessel.

  • Manage vessel cargo activities

    Manage and oversee the safe and punctual loading and unloading of cargo from vessels in port.

  • Give instructions to staff

    Give instructions to subordinates by employing various communication techniques. Adjust communication style to the target audience in order to convey instructions as intended.

  • Apply safety management

    Apply and supervise measures and regulations concerning security and safety in order to maintain a safe environment in the workplace.

  • Supervise unloading of cargo

    Supervise unloading processes for equipment, cargo, goods and other items. Ensure that everything is handled and stored correctly in accordance with regulations and standards.

  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Coordinate dock operations

    Coordinate cargo shipments in and out of dock. Position cranes and arrange containers into shipments, taking into account the exact measures and weight of each container.

  • Supervise loading of cargo

    Supervise the process of loading equipment, cargo, goods and other items. Ensure that all cargo is handled and stored properly in accordance with regulations and standards.

  • Anticipate logistics requirements for port operations

    Anticipate port logistics according to vessel departure and arrival. Manage workforce to carry out port activities.

  • Adjust priorities

    Adjust priorities quickly in response to frequently changing circumstances. Continually assess tasks and respond to those requiring extra attention. Foresee and seek to avoid crisis management.

  • Create solutions to problems

    Solve problems which arise in planning, prioritising, organising, directing/facilitating action and evaluating performance. Use systematic processes of collecting, analysing, and synthesising information to evaluate current practice and generate new understandings about practice.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

Optional knowledge and skills

project management liaise with colleagues vessel stability principles monitor storage space distinguish various types of ships make independent operating decisions manage personnel commodities in maritime transportation ensure safe loading of goods according to stowage plan schedule shifts hazardous freight regulations manage staff liaise with port users types of cargo cooperate with colleagues maritime telecommunications transportation methods use a computer warehouse operations types of maritime vessels address problems critically

Source: Sisyphus ODB