Profession street warden

Street wardens patrol designated areas to ensure a sense of security with the public, and provide general support. They monitor suspicious behaviour and cooperate with the police and other local institutions to maintain the community's safety and well-being, and enforce law and issue penalties when necessary.

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Personality Type


  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Respond to enquiries

    Respond to enquiries and requests for information from other organisations and members of the public.

  • Ensure public safety and security

    Implement the relevant procedures, strategies and use the proper equipment to promote local or national security activities for the protection of data, people, institutions, and property.

  • Instruct public

    Give instructions to the public during situations where they behave in a manner which is not compliant with laws and regulations, or to guide them during abnormal situations.

  • Handle conflicts

    Mediate in conflicts and tense situations by acting between parties, such as service users, important others like families, and institutions, striving to effect an agreement, reconciliate, and resolve problems.

  • Assist emergency services

    Assist the police and emergency services where needed.

  • Comply with legal regulations

    Ensure you are properly informed of the legal regulations that govern a specific activity and adhere to its rules, policies and laws.

  • Patrol areas

    Patrol a designated area, watch out for and respond to suspicious and dangerous situations, and communicate with emergency response organisations.

Optional knowledge and skills

apply knowledge of human behaviour conduct drug abuse tests practice vigilance comply with the principles of self-defence ensure law application follow given instructions apply first response detain offenders legal use-of-force identify security threats issue fines perform risk analysis regulate traffic law enforcement first response hear witness accounts maintain order at scenes of accidents write work-related reports react calmly in stressful situations road traffic laws check official documents

Source: Sisyphus ODB