Profession Tree or shrub crop farmer
Tree and shrub crop growers plan organise and perform farming operations to grow and harvest trees and shrubs, such as fruit and nut trees, tea and coffee bushes, grape vines, berry-bearing bushes, cocoa trees and rubber trees and to collect sap, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organisations or at markets.
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Personality Type
Related professions agriculture
- Agricultural inspector
- Agricultural machinery installer
- Agricultural machinery mechanic
- Agricultural scientist
- Agricultural substitute
- Agricultural technician
- Arable farm helper, field crop or vegetable
- Arable farm helper, mixed crop
- Arable farm worker, field crop or vegetable
- Arable farmer, field crop or vegetable
- Arable farmer, mixed crop
- Arable farmer, mixed crop and animal
- First line supervisor tree or shrup crop farming workers
- Fruit, nut or tea picker
- Harvest hand
- Horticultural or nursery production manager
- Land clearer
- Motorised farm equipment operator
- Quality inspector agricultural products
- Subsistence crop farmer
- Subsistence mixed crop or livestock farmer
- Supervisor arable farm workers, field crop or vegetable
- Tree or shrub crop farm manager
- Tree or shrub crop helper
- Tree or shrup crop worker
- Vegetable picker
- Winegrower
Source: Sisyphus ODB