Profession V-belt finisher

V-belt finishers operate machines to make V-belts flexible. They also position belts on machines that measures the length of the belt and stamps identifying information on it.

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Personality Type


  • Fasten rubber goods

    Fasten ferrules, buckles, straps, to rubber goods.

  • Position V-belts on notching machine

    Position the V-belt on the notching machines` wheel following the specifications.

  • Tend notching machines

    Tend the notching machine by adjusting the wheel and starting the process of making V-belts flexible.

  • Place V-belts on rack

    Place the V-belts on rack after collapsing the drum where the belts were cut.

  • Stamp V-belts

    Stamp the V-belts with the brand identification information by pushing the lever to rotate the spindles, the length of the belt being recorded on gauge.

  • Adjust measuring machines

    Adjust the tension and the position of the belt on the measuring machines` spindles, following the belt-size chart specifications.

  • Tend belt branding machine

    Tend the belt branding machine by inserting the correct plate and feeding the belts to the machine.

  • Apply health and safety standards

    Adhere to standards of hygiene and safety established by respective authorities.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

Optional knowledge and skills

maintain equipment measure materials inspect quality of products report defective manufacturing materials monitor valves mechanics operate forklift

Source: Sisyphus ODB