Profession vineyard machinery operator

Vineyard machinery operators carry out practical activities related to cultivation, propagation of grape varieties and production of wine with specialised machinery or equipment.

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Personality Type


  • Pest control in plants

    Types and features of pests in plants and crops. Different kinds of pest control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Plant disease control

    Types and features of diseases in plants and crops. Different kinds control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry

    Awareness on enviromental legislation, policies, principles relevant for agriculture and forestry. Awareness of the impact on the enviroment of local agricultural precedures and practices. Means to adjust the production to new enviromental regulations and policies.


  • Manage canopy

    Manage the parts of the vine visible above ground to improve grape yields, quality, and vigour. Prevent grape diseases, uneven grape ripening, sunburn, and frost damage.

  • Execute fertilisation

    Carry out fertilisation tasks by hand or using appropriate equipment according to fertilisation instructions taking into account the environmental, health and safety regulations and procedures.

  • Operate agricultural machinery

    Operate motorised agricultural equipment including tractors, balers, sprayers, ploughs, mowers, combines, earthmoving equipment, trucks, and irrigation equipment.

  • Harvest grapes

    Harvest wine grapes.

  • Execute disease and pest control activities

    Execute disease and pest control activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the climate, plant or crop type, health and safety and environmental regulations. Store and handle pesticides in accordance with recomandation and legislation.

  • Perform trellis repairs

    Perform repairs on trellis in order to support grapes. If a grape vine should fall from the trellis and not break, it can be secured to the trellis with twine.

  • Perform hand pruning

    Efficiently perform hand pruning by using specific pruning tools like shears, lopping shears, saw, a small pocket scale to weigh the pruned material, and twine.

  • Maintain vineyard machinery

    Maintain vineyard machinery and equipment, identifying problems and performing basic repairs.

  • Plant vine yards

    Perform planting preparation activities, plant vines and install trellis.

Optional knowledge and skills

organic farming manage nutrients health and safety regulations participate in vine maintenance fertilisation principles agronomy maintain irrigation systems maintain agricultural machinery develop grape growing techniques tend vines participate in vine preparation

Source: Sisyphus ODB