Profession wind turbine technician

Wind turbine technicians maintain and repair wind turbines by performing diagnostic inspections, analysing faults, and performing repair duties. They ensure the wind turbines operate in compliance with regulations, and assist the wind engineers in the construction of wind turbines. Wind turbine technicians may also test and install hardware and software components of wind turbines.

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Personality Type


  • Electronics

    The functioning of electronic circuit boards, processors, chips, and computer hardware and software, including programming and applications. Apply this knowledge to ensure electronic equipment runs smoothly.

  • Mechanics

    Theoretical and practical applications of the science studying the action of displacements and forces on physical bodies to the development of machinery and mechanical devices.

  • Electrical power safety regulations

    The compliance with safety measures which need to be taken during the installation, operation, and maintenance of constructions and equipment which function in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power, such as the appropriate safety gear, equipment handling procedures, and preventive actions.

  • Types of wind turbines

    The two main types of wind turbines, namely those which rotate along a horizontal or those which rotate along a vertical axis, and their subtypes. The properties and uses of each.

  • Electricity

    Understand the principles of electricity and electrical power circuits, as well as the associated risks.


  • Install electrical and electronic equipment

    Install equipment which is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work, or equipment to generate, transfer or measure such currents and fields. This equipment includes switchboards, electric motors, generators or direct current systems.

  • Maintain electrical equipment

    Test electrical equipment for malfunctions. Take safety measures, company guidelines, and legislation concerning electrical equipment into account. Clean, repair and replace parts and connections as required.

  • Arrange equipment repairs

    Arrange for equipment repairs when necessary.

  • Follow safety procedures when working at heights

    Take necessary precautions and follow a set of measures that assess, prevent and tackle risks when working at a high distance from the ground. Prevent endangering people working under these structures and avoid falls from ladders, mobile scaffolding, fixed working bridges, single person lifts etc. since they may cause fatalities or major injuries.

  • Inspect wind turbines

    Perform routine inspections on wind turbines by climbing the turbines and carefully inspecting all parts to identify any problems, and to assess whether repairs have to be arranged.

  • Maintain electronic equipment

    Check and repair electronic equipment. Detect malfunction, locate faults and take measures to prevent damage.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear

    Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.

  • Maintain hydraulic systems

    Perform routine maintenance and repairs on systems which use pressurised fluids to provide power to machines and equipment.

  • Ensure equipment maintenance

    Ensure that the equipment required for operations is regularly checked for faults, that routine maintenance tasks are performed, and that repairs are scheduled and performed in the case of damage or flaws.

  • Maintain records of maintenance interventions

    Keep written records of all repairs and maintenance interventions undertaken, including information on the parts and materials used, etc.

Optional knowledge and skills

renewable energy technologies technical drawings read engineering drawings oversee pre-assembly operations provide advice to technicians write inspection reports provide information on wind turbines assemble electrical components repair underground power cables hardware testing methods hydraulics liaise with engineers hardware components ensure compliance with electricity distribution schedule install hydraulic systems aerodynamics report test findings execute software tests replace large components resolve equipment malfunctions inspect underground power cables

Source: Sisyphus ODB