Work values and motivation
Your work values and motivation are important for chosing a profession and for your performance in a position. Determining the values that are important to you in your work and keeping them in the back of your mind, will make it easier to decide if a job is a good fit for you. They can also help you make adjustments to make you happy in your position.
Work value test in an assessment
In an assessment these work values often are a topic of discussion. What is your motivation and what do you consider to be important in your work? This can help determine whether you are the right person for a position, or it can help you and your managers work towards positive changes that ensure that you enjoy your work more.
When people think about work values, they often focus on issues like creativity and integrity. Is creativity in your work important to you, or do you prefer a transparent and well-structured organisation? Do you want to mean something to people or is having influence more important to you? Usually a work values test presents you with a number of statements to determine what your work values and motivation are.
Test yourself!
A work values test can be a very useful exercise to determine your own work values. Awareness of what you really find important will give you an understanding of the direction your career should take and the kind of environment you would feel comfortable in. A short work values test will give you that understanding.
It is interesting to contemplate your competences and skills before heading towards an assessment. That way you are prepared and you know where your strengths are. Read more about competences and skills.