Role plays and practical simulations

By 123test team. Updated June 27, 2024

There are different kinds of role plays and practical simulations that are frequently used in assessments. The choice depends on the type of the assessment and the position the assessment is organised for.

Management conversation

In management assessments, a role play in the form of a conversation between a manager and an employee is often used. You play the role of the manager. The conversation can for example require you to address an employee about his poor performance, or explain an order to an employee.

Customer conversation

In assessments for positions that include frequent contact with customers, a customer conversation is usually conducted. In this conversation the candidate, for example, advises the customer on a certain situation, or has to do whatever he can to score an order. In this assignment, the attitude towards the customer, self-confidence and persuasiveness are the main factors.


Public presentations can be a regular component of some positions and in assessments for these positions you will be asked to give a presentation. You are given the information to present in advance and may have tools like a beamer or flip chart at your disposal.

Fact finding

In a fact-finding assignment you must try to get more facts about a situation or problem from your conversation partner, based on limited information you get in advance. This assignment is often used in assessments for the police and the justice sector. Read more about fact finding.

Mailbox exercise

In this practical simulation you assume the role of a manager who has been absent for a while and now has to deal with a filled-up mailbox. What do you delegate and what do you do yourself, what can wait and which issues are urgent? Read more about the mailbox exercise.

Group assignment

In the case of a group assessment, sometimes a group assignment is used. You and your fellow candidates form a team to solve a problem or perform an assignment together.

After each assessment a report is drafted containing results and, if applicable, advice. Read more about the assessment report.