Career advice
By 123test team. Updated July 5, 2024
Career advice from an experienced advisor can help you if you’re struggling on your own. The career advisor will help you to understand your personality, interests and wishes, and on the basis of these things you’ll be able to shape your career.
At the start of your career or if you’re considering a career switch, you’ll find yourself faced with having to make decisions that could have a significant impact on your life and career. Often this won’t make the choices any easier, and it’s important to reach an informed decision.
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To the career testCareer advice process
Getting good career advice will help you to make the right decisions and map out the route to your ideal career. The advice will be multifaceted, comprising elements initially geared towards finding out what kind of job would best suit you. What are your interests and what are your qualities? What competencies do you have and how could you use them in your career?
How do you find your ideal job?
Career advice doesn’t stop at highlighting your interests and competencies, though. Once the route you’d like to take is clear, the career advisor will also help you to take the first steps required to achieve your goal. Where can you find your dream job, what competencies will you still need to hone or what course could you follow to ensure that your career goes as smoothly as you’d like it to?
Career advice often uses tests that can give you a greater understanding of the route that’s best for you in your career. A lot of career advisors use ones like the personality test, interest test and career choice test from 123test.