
By 123test team. Updated July 5, 2024

Coaching and careers advice frequently start with a self-analysis. All too often, employers (for instance) pay too little attention to someone’s personality and motives, instead fixating on hard facts such as education and previous position. In fact, they should be doing it the other way round. Before someone starts working somewhere, or following a course of study or training, what needs to be looked at is what motivates him/her, what his/her personality is like, what would be most suitable for him/her.

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Coaching in terms of qualities

Research shows that personality does not change much. Anyone that used to be an introvert will still be an introvert. In such a case, an analysis of strengths and weaknesses would suggest that this person should follow some courses to learn such things as how to present (skill). Nevertheless, five years later the conclusion will still be that this person is an introvert. Despite the fact that he/she can give a presentation, he/she simply won’t enjoy doing so. And so it’s nicer for the person involved and a good deal more efficient to look mainly at qualities, on the basis of personality, rather than fixate on potential pitfalls.

In other words, competency management is working on your career by looking at what you want, what motivates you, what suits you. As with relationships, every pot has its lid. But not every lid fits a particular pot.

Take the career test which is also used by coaches and careers advisors. Tests you can use to test such things as your personality and motives.