Situational Judgement test
100% FreeBy 123test team. Updated May 12, 2023
This free Situational Judgement test measures your behaviour and attitudes to work-related scenarios. Employers often use SJTs as a sifting or pre-selection tool, or sometimes they will include situational judgment questions in a larger realistic job simulation.
Instructions Situational Judgement test (SJT)
This test contains 8 situations with each four different reactions to that situation. For each situation, select the option that you are most likely () to do next, AND select the option that you are least likely () to do next.
For each situation you should select only one reaction that you would most likely do next and select only one reaction that you would least likely do next. The two other reactions remain unselected.
Sometimes it may be difficult to decide which description to select. Try to answer honestly and spontaneously. It should take you only 5 to 10 minutes to complete the test.